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Tax percentage calculator

Use calculator to estimate whether you need a change in your withholding tax percentage rate.

Go to Tax percentage calculator

This very simple calculator can only give you an unofficial estimate — a guideline to get you started.

What you can do:

Use this calculator to estimate whether you need a change in your withholding tax percentage rate. You may require a new with­holding rate because you are no longer employed or because you have recently started working — or because you have had other changes. The calculator will show you the taxes needed in most cases including situations of changes in

  • wage incomes
  • changes in benefits from the Social Insurance Institution (Kela)
  • changes in unemployment fund benefits
  • students' grants
  • seafarer's income or
  • pension benefits.

You can also use the calculator if you are a self-employed individual with a pension plan under the Act governing the retirement of entrepreneurs (YEL) or farmers (MYEL) and your health insurance contributions are therefore based on different income than those of other income recipients. In this case, your work income reported under YEL/MYEL replaces the earned income received from business operations. The health insurance contribution is determined by your work income and other earned income that have not been replaced by work income.
You can also use the calculator in situations where you do not pay Finnish health insurance contributions on your income.

What you cannot do:

The calculator does not give a good estimate if you receive

  • income from other countries
  • athletes' or sportsmen's fees, or 
  • stock options on the basis of employment.

Similarly, the calculator cannot be utilized in cases where income spreading is involved, for

  • periodized pension income
  • the handling of losses
  • nonresidents' withholding tax estimates
  • computing the income of self-employed fishermen who are insured under the YEL/MYEL acts and who receive seafarer´s income from the company where they are shareholders.

Take-home pay

The calculator only gives you the withholding rate of taxes. However, employers usually withhold insurance premiums, too.  To figure out a close estimate of your future take-home pay, please remember to include the insurance premiums that are applicable. Examples of such insurance are occupational pension insurance contracts and unemployment insurance contracts.

Feeding the numbers into the tax percentage calculator

Enter all numbers as euros and cents, using a comma to mark the cents. Do not use spaces.  


5 700 euros and 50 cents: enter 5700,50
40 000 euros: enter 40000,00 or 40000

Page last updated 12/4/2023